Validating the operational activities in order to implement the chosen strategy

Achieve commercial goals
thanks to scaling up the drop shipment volume

Validating the operational activities in order to implement the chosen strategy

Achieve commercial goals
thanks to scaling up the drop shipment volume

Eind 2019 roept een meubelgroothandel de hulp in van Beste Mensen. Zij hebben het doel om hun dropshipment (B2B2C) volume te verhogen tot 25% van de totale omzet. Om dit te bewerkstelligen moeten alle operationele processen en systemen binnen het bedrijf gereed zijn. De Wingman van Beste Mensen wordt ingehuurd om het gehele proces te doorlopen en te toetsen tot welk volume dropshipment orders kunnen worden verwerkt. Om vervolgens te analyseren waar de uitdagingen liggen. Mike Philips van Beste Mensen vertelt over de samenwerking.

In 2018 werkte de Wingman van Beste Mensen al succesvol samen met de meubelgroothandel. Hierbij fungeerde hij, samen met een mede-Wingman, als strategisch adviseur voor het senior management. Deze strategie is geïmplementeerd en aan het einde van 2019 herzien. De algemeen directeur van de meubelgroothandel schakelt daarna opnieuw een Wingman in. Met dropshipment als een van de belangrijke speerpunten.


Dropshipping is a technique for integral chain management. The merchant / retailer receives an order from an end customer. The trader places the order on to the producer or wholesaler. The latter then delivers the product directly to the buyer / end customer. And the invoice goes through the (intermediate) trader to the end customer.

Mapping operational process

Previously, the furniture wholesaler used the traditional B2C model to serve consumers. Distributors purchased products and delivered to customers themselves. Until the company saw an opportunity to scale up its sales volume by offering drop shipment as a model to existing and new customers.

A good flow in the process is important to achieve these (higher) volumes. To this end, the various stakeholders in the entire process were mapped out. Mike explains: “We mapped the flow of goods, financial, returns and data. On the basis of interviews, the Wingman assessed which department does what and when. Where are the handover moments between different departments? By applying the LEAN method, we processed all the findings and all mutual relationships became clear. ”

How did the project go?

The choice of the Wingman for this project is based on his broad background. “Due to his expertise in commerce, sales operations, finance and logistics, the Wingman switches quickly and at all levels between different departments. The departments involved in drop shipment are: sales, sales support, supply chain, finance and IT. ”

In four weeks, the furniture wholesaler and the logistics partner were tested for options for scaling up the volume of drop shipment. The Wingman discovered a number of bottlenecks. “For example, we concluded that B2B customers were not tested whether they are ready for the drop shipment model. There were also too many manual actions at Sales Support & Supply Chain. These departments had to be more automated. In addition, the entire return process had to be revised. This was too cumbersome and an efficient return process is important for drop shipment. ”

Mystery Shopper Experience

“In addition to desk research and interviews, we went through the process from the perspective of the consumer. This applies to both the drop shipment and the B2C perspective. We did this on our own initiative. In this way you go through the entire process and expose all bottlenecks. ” For example, it turned out that in the field of invoice, delivery time, ordering and returns, significant gains could be made that had a direct positive impact on the customer experience.

Goal: upscaling drop shipment volume

Involved Wingman

The goal of the four-week project was to test the feasibility and map out areas for improvement for the drop shipment process. This does not mean that the Wingman will disappear from view after this. The points for improvement have been fully implemented and the furniture wholesaler is prepared for the future. With the aim of achieving 25 percent drop shipment orders from the total turnover per year. After the project, the Wingman is available as a sounding board for the general manager and supply director.


Every company has projects that remain pending or don’t get off the ground. How can you make sure this doesn’t happen? By shifting the focus, thinking outside the box and connecting with a Wingman: a senior professional who has earned his stripes.

A Wingman is a reinforcing or equal copilot. He ensures change is happening rapidly, but he isn’t on the foreground. He makes sure you stand out. The Wingman brings change to the entire company. Change that is structurally and demonstrably, and not a temporary solution.

The Wingman acts from a position of trust and has an eye for the social dynamics. He’s different from other interim employees, because the Wingman searches for social interaction with the entire team. To strengthen that bond of trust and make sure everyone is going full speed ahead.


Beste Mensen.
Overschiestraat 63 | 1062 XD Amsterdam | 020 – 662 6674