Wake-up call voor je netwerk

Sales increase
from the existing network

Wake-up call voor je netwerk

Sales increase
from the existing network

De omzet en de impact op de markt vergroten. Hiervoor zoekt een middelgroot consultancybureau in 2019 contact met Beste Mensen. Doorstomen naar de top-5 van de markt door meer klanten te werven is het doel. De Wingman van Beste Mensen verstevigt de banden met inactieve klanten en legt nieuwe contacten. Hierdoor maakt het bedrijf enorme stappen en stevent het af op de gewenste top-5 positie.

For quite some time, Beste Mensen has been active for this consultancy company. In the first place, Beste Mensen took on the operational projects. Because these were handled successfully, the director/owner employed a Wingman. He deals with high targets and a time and capacity shortage. Following leads and sales generally takes a lot of time. The sales support Wingman has the right expertise, qualifications, and track records.


De Wingman gaat meteen aan de slag. De eerste twee weken ligt de focus op inventarisatie. Wingman David Ruiz vertelt: “In deze periode interview ik werknemers, en bekijk ik breed alle saleskansen. Zowel het actuele netwerk als bijvoorbeeld het inactieve klantenbestand worden compleet doorgelicht. Ik onderzoek, spot kansen en breng alles in kaart. Mijn doel is dat de organisatie vol in kan zetten op groeimogelijkheden.”

De Wingman is tijdens het project een volwaardig partner en ook daarna. Hij doet al het voorbereidende werk, zodat het hele bedrijf recht op zijn doel kan afgaan. Dit relatiemanagement kent nogal wat activiteiten. “Bellen, klanten opzoeken, een netwerk opzetten, alle collega’s bewustmaken van het belang van hun netwerk en alles documenteren. Wij ontlasten de organisatie door dit over te nemen.”

Awareness for every service

To increase sales, the Wingman focuses on more than just new clients. He also approaches the inactive client base. “Clients often don’t know every service a company has to offer. They hire other companies for jobs that the consultancy company can also accomplish. My job is to create awareness for every available service a company offers. And to respectfully and professionally change that ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ into a wholehearted ‘yes’.”

After inventory comes insight. Together with the consultancy company, we created a plan to organize a roadshow. “One day per week, we would visit three clients. We would present the company’s USPs and the complete product portfolio professionally and enthusiastically.”

Persistence pays off

The project asks for plenty of perseverance and patience. While contacting clients, the Wingman is persistent in a professional and calm manner. “After calling a few times, you could think: ‘this isn’t going to work, let’s just give up.’ But that will accomplish nothing. When you call more often and they need a company like yours, you will immediately be on their minds.”

Goal: increase sales by intense relation management

Surprise existing customers

The Wingman revives relationships with existing and former clients. He also adds new clients to the network. “Existing clients are often pleasantly surprised about the extra solutions your company has to offer. A good relation is built with quite a few new customers. This brought in a lot of new assignments and appointments.”

Boost your sales

This considerably boosts sales, enabling the consultancy company to take big steps on the market. The top 5 is in sight and at this pace, it won’t take long. The Wingman laid the foundation for an efficient relation management. “Later, the customer reported they needed more support. Now, someone from our network is permanently employed there.”

Especially service companies with lengthy payment periods are suitable for a sales Wingman: someone who increases the sales and manages relations more intensely.


Every company has projects that remain pending or don’t get off the ground. How can you make sure this doesn’t happen? By shifting the focus, thinking outside the box and connecting with a Wingman: a senior professional who has earned his stripes.

A Wingman is a reinforcing or equal copilot. He ensures change is happening rapidly, but he isn’t on the foreground. He makes sure you stand out. The Wingman brings change to the entire company. Change that is structurally and demonstrably, and not a temporary solution.

De Wingman handelt uit vertrouwen en heeft oog voor sociale dynamiek. Anders dan andere interimmers, zoekt de Wingman veel sociale interactie met het aanwezige team. Juist om die vertrouwensband te versterken en samen met volle kracht vooruit te gaan.


Beste Mensen.
Overschiestraat 63 | 1062 XD Amsterdam
info@beste-mensen.nl | 020 – 662 6674